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What the New York Islanders are thankful for in 2021

In the spirit of the holiday sWhat are the Islanders thankfuA stingy defense corps.Yes, part of their success is Individually, none of these plWho are the Islanders thankfulIlya Sorokin.For years, Sorokin has been toWhat would the Islanders be evOffense.  Not just depth scoriWith even an average offense aWhat should be on the IslanderBeyond adding scoring, more deBut the biggest thing on their
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Delta: Flight to Shanghai Turned Back Because of COVID Rules

Delta Air Lines said Monday thAn emailed statement said the It wasn't clear what the rulesXi'an, which is about 1,000 kiThe Delta flight that turned bTwo Taiwan-based airlines, ChiEVA is suspending flights fromThe consulate in San FranciscoThe consulate “had made a ster
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Purdue Restructuring on Hold After Judge Overturns Settlement

OxyContin-maker Purdue Pharma   In a surprise ruling on Thur  The deal had been hammered o  The company and family membe  Purdue said it will appeal M  Representatives for the Sack  Eight hold-out states and th  The family has come under sc  The Sacklers have said almos  Purdue has been estimated to  Those involved in the case d
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Vaccinated People With Covid May Soon Not Have To Isolate For 10 Days — If They’re Asymptomatic — Fauci Suggests

OPLINEThe federal government is consFauci told CNN that while therFauci was asked about the isolFauci said changing the guidanThe U.S. Centers for Disease C“Rather than keeping [healthca1 million. That’s how many Covdoses are much less effective The Centers for Disease Contro
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Nikola Will Pay $125 Million To Settle Fraud Charges As Indicted Ex-CEO Tumbles Out Of Billionaire Ranks

Electric-truck maker Nikola haTrevor Milton, founder and forTIM PANNELL/THE FORBES COLLECTKEY FACTSIn a Tuesday statement, the SEThe SEC found Nikola deceived Shares of Nikola, which did noAmid the stock's precipitous dThe Tuesday order follows a teCRUCIAL QUOTE"Before Nikola had produced a TANGENTIn an indictment unsealed in JKEY BACKGROUNDNikola’s stock price skyrocketFURTHER READINGNikola Has Tentative Deal To SIndicted Billionaire Trevor Mi
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Scientists Just Found That Several ‘Anti-5G’ Products Meant To ‘Protect’ People From Cell Networks Emit Dangerous Radiation

Though the items, which includome people, concerned about th“Don’t wear it anymore,” the DThe ANVS identified ten anti-5“Exposure to ionizing radiatioThe safety organization went o“Someone who wears a product o“To avoid any risk, the ANVS cRijksinstituut voor VolksgezonHowever, the Dutch agency also“Preferably you should store tThey added: “Do not throw the Furthermore, the ANVS has alsoWhy do people seek out anti-5GFor now, the World Health Orga“To date, and after much reseaThat said, resistance in the NSimilar attacks have happened “To be concerned that 5G is soAfter arson attacks hit severa“I want to be very clear here,Despite this, many people rema
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Why Drew Brees turned down Saints' reported offer to come out of retirement for Week 16

he Saints are facing a make-orNew Orleans found itself in diBecause of this, the Saints tiNFL PLAYOFF PICTURE: Where theUltimately, both players decliIt's not a huge surprise that SAINTS QB DEPTH CHART: Ian BooWhy Drew Brees turned down theThere were a couple of reasonsThere was a caveat. Brees, likUltimately, Brees nixed the idMORE: Why Tom Brady always strBrees showed signs of decline Still, Brees led the Saints toBut Brees' decision is made an
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Fully Vaccinated US Navy warship sidelined with COVID-19 outbreak

WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. Navy The USS Milwaukee, a litorral The Navy said in a statement tThe Navy said that “a portion”“The ship is following an aggrADVERTISEMENTThe first major military outbrAccording to the latest data r
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From Fresh To Funky: A By-The-Numbers Look At The Food Listing Boom That Wasn’t

uring the rush to market in 20Since the beginning of JanuaryInvestors who dug in are likel“The SPAC market changed and i“We really focused on the qualThose who have yet to price ar
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COVID Outbreaks Force Cancellations of More College Football Bowl Games

Two more college football bowlUniversity of Miami's team on Earlier Sunday, the Military BThe Sun Bowl wasn't immediatel"It is very disappointing thatBoston College was unable to fThe Military Bowl had been schLast Thursday, the Hawaii BowlTexas A&M last week pulled outThe College Football Playoff sWith the omicron variant causi

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